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Our Mission

To create an inclusive and nurturing environment as we endeavor to cultivate, enrich and foster academic achievements for our next generation of leaders who will thrive in their pursuits, discover their passions and impact their communities as they become productive citizens.

Learn More About Our Vision


We have goals to develop the potential of every young individual by nurturing their growth, both personally and artistically through high-quality dance and creative arts education as we provide opportunities for self-expression, self-confidence, teamwork, and personal achievement.



Get to know more about our programs, from Kingdom Dance Club, Academic enrichment programs top help those in need of assistance; as well as learning about our Community Cares programs that help with food, clothing and other volunteer opportunities to contribute. 



Desiree’ Belnavis was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is pursuing studies at Lancaster Bible College.  Desiree’ has been acting, dancing, and modeling since the age of 2 in various aspects and events.  Though she is talented in many areas, she believes that she was born to dance.


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Ways You Can Get Involved

We couldn't do what we do without our volunteers, donors, and partners. Together, we're making a difference and you can, too. Become a volunteer, make a tax-deductible donation, or participate in a fundraising event to help us, help our youth.